Morning Minute: Friday, June 14, 2019

News About Town: Mayor Pro Tem John Higdon and Commissioner Barbara Dement participated in the most recent Facebook Live event with commissioners. The commissioners briefly touched on the new City Arcade business going into the old Hooters location, assuring the police department would ensure a safe environment. They also touched on the tree loss at the Taft development, as well as advisory board opportunities. Watch on Facebook if you’d like to catch up.

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News Around Town: If you’ve driven down Independence at Matthews Festival shopping center lately, you’ll notice the buildings in front of the old movie theater have been torn down. Because of the 51-widening, the Texas Roadhouse will be too close to the future bridge site (it will shift a few feet). The restaurant is relocating to the opposite side of the parking lot. At the most recent council meeting, the council approved elevations for Bonefish Grill, which will move to the area that is currently the Roadhouse parking lot.

One Good Thing: On August 7, Novant Hospital is holding a Mental Health First Aid (Adult) class (they also host classes for first aid for children). It seems like a long way in the future to plan for August, but these classes fill up fast. You’ll learn to know risk factors and warning signs of mental illness, a 5 step action plan to help someone who is showing signs of a mental health problem or crisis, and how to connect with that person and find appropriate support for them. After the class is complete, you’ll receive certification and the ability to create a profile on the Mental First Aider portal.