Morning Minute: Friday, December 4, 2020

News Around Town: As COVID numbers continue to set record highs, the use of masks is an increasingly important tool to prevent spread. Mask-wearing requirements have changed under the most recent Executive Order by Governor Cooper:

  • A face covering is required in all public indoor settings if there are non-household members present, regardless of the distance away.

  • Under this executive order, face coverings continue to be required in public outdoor settings if individuals are unable to maintain six feet of social distance with non-household members.

  • In indoor gyms and fitness facilities, face coverings are now required when people are exercising.

  • In restaurants, guests are required to wear face coverings at their table unless they are actively eating or drinking.

  • Retail business locations with more than 15,000 square feet of interior space must have a worker, at each entrance open to the public, who is responsible for enforcing the executive orders’ face covering and emergency maximum occupancy requirements.

  • On public transportation, Customers may be denied entry if they refuse to wear a face covering.

  • The executive order’s face covering requirements are now enforceable by law enforcement against individuals. Law enforcement continues to have this authority under this Order.

Support those businesses who have gone the extra step to participate in Count On Me NC. If you have a concern or see a business not complying, call 311 to file a complaint with Mecklenburg County Health and Human Services. The county will inform Matthews Police of complaints; the police will, in turn, remind business owners of the restrictions in place by Executive Order.

Shop Small in Matthews! Peterson MADE is a jewelry brand designed and handcrafted by Barb Peterson. Every piece of the collection is made by Barb in her North Carolina studio, and designs highlight traditional gold-smithing skills with a modern aest…

Shop Small in Matthews! Peterson MADE is a jewelry brand designed and handcrafted by Barb Peterson. Every piece of the collection is made by Barb in her North Carolina studio, and designs highlight traditional gold-smithing skills with a modern aesthetic.

One Fun Thing: Starting this Sunday, join the Matthews Chamber of Commerce for an GooseChase App-based Hometown Holiday Scavenger Hunt! Download the app and find a team to complete different tasks and win points. The team with the most points wins the grand prize!

Our Teacher Appreciation Drive Needs You! You can sign up to donate a $20 gift card (or two) if you can't commit to five days of gifts.  Sponsor a teacher at C.O.S. Kids to show how much we appreciate their dedication to children during the pandemic. Sign up to sponsor a teacher for the week or donate gift cards to grocery stores, Target, or WalMart . Every donation will brighten the season for these essential care givers.