Morning Minute: Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Need About Town: During the regular Board of Commissioners meeting last night, the Board unanimously voted to abate the Matthews Chamber of Commerce rent. The Chamber offices are held in the depot building beside Town Hall. The rent relief ($2250 total) comes at a time when many businesses are having difficulty due to COVID-19.


News Around Town: Monarchs are beginning their “Journey North” from the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico. The butterflies can travel between 50 and 100 miles a day. During their journey, the monarchs will travel through the piedmont of North Carolina. According to citizen scientists, some have already been spotted in our area.

One Great Thing: Time for a HELP Center update! So far we (the Big Beacon Community) have donated $910, 5 lbs of produce, 148 boxed and canned items, 24 pouches of tuna, 54 bags of chips, 48 cups of noodles, and 12 cups of mac and cheese to the Matthews HELP Center.

Ready to donate? Brightmoor, Good Cup, Hampton Green, and Matthews Plantation have collection sites. If you want a direct pick up, let us know!