Morning Minute: Thursday, August 20, 2020

News About Town: The Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is available online. Once again, the meeting will be conducted remotely. To watch live, the meeting is available via Zoom (link here, the early meeting starts at 5:30 pm and the regular meeting starts at 7 pm, Monday, August 24). A livestream of the meeting will also be available via the Town of Matthews YouTube Channel. To listen live, call toll free 888-788-0099 and enter meeting ID 958 9659 7990. For more information, including the process for public comment, visit the town website.


News Around Town: Who caught the COVID gardening bug? If you’re ready to rip out the summer crops and move onto fall vegetables, now is the time to do it. By this stage of summer, we’re usually cursing the squash vine borers and the leaf footed bugs, so a change is welcome. What can we grow in Matthews in the fall? All sorts of leafy goodness like kale and collards, and root crops like carrots and beets. Get out there to plant peas soon enough and you might get another harvest of snow peas. On the flip side, if you aren’t keen on dirt under your nails, you can still appreciate summer’s bounty at the Farmer’s Market, and look for those fall crops in the near future.