Morning Minute: Wednesday, August 26, 2020

News Around Town: As the Veteran’s Memorial at Stumptown Park is restored, Hooks- Orr American Legion Post 235 is also adding to the brick path inscribed with names of local veterans. If you would like to purchase an inscribed brick, order one through the Legion. Their renovation and expansion will be unveiled on Veteran’s Day (November 11) at 11 am.


News About Town: There's a reason stress balls imitate the feeling of modeling clay: the sensory experience of pulling, squishing, and forming often inspires in-the-present feelings of calm. We can all use a little more of that these days and Parks and Rec has a solution. The department is offering take and make clay kits. Each kit includes everything you need to create a clay project. The kit, priced at $10, includes everything you need to create your own clay masterpiece. Pick it up on September 19, make something fantastic to return to the Community Center on the 23rd for kiln firing. Your final piece will be ready to pick up on September 25.