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Morning Minute: Wednesday, April 24, 2019

News About Town: If the multi-lane roundabout at Idlewild and 51 is just as perplexing today as it was when it was completed, NCDOT has a video to make sense of the circular intersection. Watch through the end, there are valuable rules for cyclist and pedestrian safety as well.


News Around Town:  Early voting begins today for the Republican candidate in the 9th Congressional District. Voters who live in the district and are Republican or Unaffiliated may vote. Early voting ends Friday, May 10 with a Primary Election Day on Tuesday, May 14. With ten Republicans in the ring, it's possible no candidate will receive 30% of the vote. If that's the case, a second primary may be requested by the second highest vote-getter for the top two vote-getters. The runoff primary would be held September 10. If there’s no runoff primary, Election Day is September 10, but if there is then Election day is November 5.

One Good Thing: If you don't have your ticket yet, now's the time to get one. Ticket for what, you ask? This Saturday is the 4th Annual Festival, “HELP Fest” Fundraiser for Matthews HELP Center. Your ticket supports the center's mission to Help Ease Local Poverty. In return, you get to enjoy live music by the Extraordinaires, food from an array of Matthews Restaurants (we've got our eye on you Grace O'Malley's), and drinks from your favorite local watering holes (ahem, Stumptown Station). Bring extra spending money to grab some goodies in the silent auction. Tickets are $50 (ages 18 and up), $20 (ages 8- 17), and Children 7 and under free. The fun starts at 5 p.m. and runs til 9 p.m. and is on N. Ames Street, right outside the HELP center.
