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What to plant now

Our regular Friday contributor, Jeff Rieves, is feeling under the weather. He’ll be back next week, but if you’re feeling the urge to plant something there are definitely good options for sowing this weekend.


Our first frost is typically late October, so we’re getting to the planting point where you’ll need to direct sow things with a shorter maturation length. It’s time to direct sow seeds for root veggies such as radishes, and carrots, as well as leafy tender greens such as spinach, and lettuce.


You’ll be safer starting with transplants of veggies that take a little longer to fully mature. Transplant broccoli, collards and hardier leafy greens. Separate bulbs from heads of garlic and plant individual bulbs with several inches of room around each. Onion sets, actually immature bulbs you “set out”, go into the ground now, too. An added bonus of growing collards and kale? With all the mature trees in Matthews, a lot of yards are shady. The broadleaf crops have better ability to absorb the sun in shadier conditions, making them a great crop for this area!


Need a good source for your future food? Our advertiser Renfrow’s (188 North Trade St. Matthews) has a complete selection, and maybe Jeff Rieves will be there to help you pick out what will work best for you.