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Proffitt Dixon: Growth in the Entertainment District

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If you’ve driven along Matthews-Mint Hill Road near Ridge Church and Dorian’s Deli you may have noticed the beginning stages of development on 35.5 acres of the south side of the road.

The property went before the Planning Board and then to the Board of Commissioners (the typical method) for rezoning from I-1 to ENT in 2017. The planned construction, previously named Matthews Park, is a multi-use, urban-style, pedestrian-friendly network of live/work spaces in anticipation of the build-out of the Entertainment District. For those unfamiliar with zoning, I-1 is property appropriate for light industrial and ENT is a designation by the Town in the Land Use Plan for the acreage surrounding the Sportsplex..

Successfully rezoned, site work is now underway. The ENT district requires an 8% tree save which Proffitt Dixon, the developer, has committed to meeting and exceeding. A preliminary survey showed no trees larger than 36” diameter. During Phase I of construction the site will not be clear-cut, though ultimately the majority of the existing trees that are saved will be the ones closest to Matthews-Mint Hill Road. To meet the 8% tree save, trees will be strategically replanted.

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According to the Board of Commissioner’s approval, the entire complex of Matthews Park can include up to 570 apartments, 180 hotel rooms, and 151,000 square feet of commercial space, which may include retail and medical offices. Construction is planned in two phases. Phase 1, where the site work is currently underway, will be 359 apartments. The next phase may include the remaining apartments, hotel, and commercial portion, as allowed by the rezoning process.

Proffitt Dixon expects Phase 1 of this project to be completed in 2021.

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