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Morning Minute: Wednesday, December 19, 2018

News About Town: This past Monday the Board of Commissioners voted to rezone a 1.57-acre property (2018-690) on Matthews-Mint Hill Road. The property, owned by Novant, will be developed into medical office space. As part of the agreement, the Carolina Thread Trail will run through a portion of the campus, a portion of the campus may be used for the CATS Silver Line, and Novant will work with the Town of Matthews to complete Andrew Caroline Drive.

News Around Town: ​DARE Officer Robert Holmes joined Mrs. Collier’s fifth-grade class at Matthews Elementary for the class party and those reindeer games (we’re assured Rudolph was invited to join in all of those). As of today CMS students are on winter break so breathe easy, commutes will go quicker for the next couple weeks. (Big ol’ thank you to Ginnie Mattes and Sara Mayse for sharing your photos!)


One Fun Thing: Looking for a fun gift for a Matthews lover? Get a Beacon mug for all your favorite people while supporting local journalism produced by local talent. Pair it with a bag of Matthews-roasted Magnolia Coffee for a merry Matthews gift.