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Matthews Morning Minute: September 4, 2018

News About Town: CMS and HB514: In 2017 Representative Bill Brawley sponsored HB514, which passed the state house and senate earlier this year. This bill will allow 4 municipalities to raise property tax rates to pay for their own charter schools. There was a contentious debate between the towns and CMS over the bill. Matthews town leaders voted to support the bill 4 for and 3 against. CMS issued their response at last Tuesday’s school board meeting.


News Above Town: The Weather Channel shows highs in the low 90s and lows in the low 70s all week and no rain til the weekend. Hold off on the pumpkin spice,  we’re a far cry from fall, y’all.

News Around Town: The Loyalist Market believes in the value of a walkable downtown Matthews. Now through the end of September they’re offering a 15% discount to those who walk or bike to their market. More cheese less (traffic) jam. 


And One Fun Thing: Tonight you can bug out with Habitat and Wildlife Keepers (HAWK) and Lenny Lampel, a Natural Resources Coordinator with Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation. Lenny will introduce you to the good, the bad, the ugly, (but always fascinating) world of insects.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Matthews Community Center, 100 West McDowell Street

