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Morning Minute: Tuesday, May 7, 2019

News About Town: Matthews Police arrested Jeremiah Elijah Harvey this past Saturday in connection with the car theft at the Comfort Inn by Windsor Square. Harvey was one of several wanted suspects featured in the most recent Find ‘em Friday video.

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News Around Town: With ten candidates vying for the 9th Congressional District Republican spot on the ballot, it’s hard to know what differentiates them. WBT is hosting a debate tonight (May 7) at the Union County Ag Center (3230 Presson Rd, Monroe NC 28112). Doors open at 5 p.m., the debate is scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are available online and include a boxed dinner.

One Fun Thing:  Some people like cake by the ocean, others like cake by the lake. (Also heard word there will be s’mores, but we have no idea what body of water rhymes with s’mores.) HAWK is clearly of the cake by-the-lake ilk. Join the Keepers tonight at 7 p.m. at Squirrel Lake Park (1631 Pleasant Plains Road) first for sweets, then for a frog walk. Led by the knowledgeable and entertaining Taylor Piephoff you’ll most likely see lots of other types of animals as well.