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Morning Minute: Wednesday, May 8, 2019

News About Town: We're gearing up for Beach Fest, and so is the Town's Park and Rec department. In preparation for the fun, Trade Street will be closed between John Street and McDowell Street starting on Friday, at 9:00 a.m. That closure will expand to the Main Street intersection at 5 p.m. when the festival opens. That portion of Trade will remain closed until late Saturday night after the festival closes. 


News Around Town: It's easy to celebrate Small Business Week in Matthews, there are so many great ones! (Ahem...hello, have you heard of the Matthews Beacon?) Join the Matthews Chamber and the newly expanded Black Chicken Market the for a Grand Re-Opening Ribbon Cutting this evening from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The Market will have light appetizers, a small menu sampling, and $4 wine by the glass specials.

One Fun Thing:  Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity is looking for three or four more volunteers to help paint this Saturday (May 11) at the Sandy Marano Women Build Home Construction project. Your volunteerism will not only help a family gain safe, affordable housing, but you'll honor the legacy of Sandy Marano, a woman with a tremendous heart who dedicated her life to the community of Matthews.  Sign up online to help with this extraordinary project.