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Morning Minute: Tuesday, June 18, 2019

News About Matthews: Curious about future road projects in Matthews but unsure where to begin looking? On the town’s website, check out the Public Works page of transportation projects. The page lists anticipated projects that haven’t been funded yet, projects that are in the pipeline, and projects that have been completed. Just remember with NCDOT projects, knowing is not half the battle.


News Around Town: Without access to free breakfasts and assisted lunches during the regular school year, up to 45,000 kids could go hungry this summer. CMS’ Summer Food Service Program provides meals to kids who would otherwise go hungry. For those in the Matthews area, Crown Point Elementary and East Meck High School are serving meals throughout the summer. For menus and the schedules, see the CMS website.

One Fun Thing: This Sunday, June 23, trek on over to the east side of town for Kale Farms’ Farmers’ Market. Several vendors will be there, including Nectarri Honey Company, Kale Farms will have their own lotions and potions, and there will be a yoga class in the yard. This event is rain or shine,
