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Morning Minute: Friday, October 2, 2020

News About Town: With the change to Phase 3 of reopening, bars are finally able to open their doors, albeit with outdoor service only. This clause leaves some local bars without outdoor space in a bind. Tonight, in a special meeting at 6 pm, the Board of Commissioners will meet to examine options for Town assistance to the business community.


News About Town: The CDC and the State of NC Health Services have released guidelines on safe practices for Halloween (CDC here, NCDHHS here), and Día de los Muertos. It’s safe to say there’s no bobbing for apples, y’all. Trick or treating and small gatherings aren’t off the table, but both agencies suggest getting creative with the process as well as avoiding large crowds. For trick or treating, one practical approach is to line up individually wrapped goodie bags for families to grab and go while continuing to social distance.

Don’t Forget: Today’s the last day to vote for COS Kids in the $25,000 Neighborhood Assist Grant contest from State Farm. Winners will be announced November 4. Spread the word—10 votes at a time can change the outcome!
