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Morning Minute: Wednesday, October 21, 2020

News About Town:  The leaves are falling so it’s time for our annual yard waste reminders—unless you want to leave the fallen leaves for the critters. Please be courteous to neighbors and don’t block the sidewalk or street with your bags. If you can, bag leaves and smaller sticks in heavy-duty paper bags available specifically for yard waste. These bags can go straight into the composting piles at Compost Central, eliminating single-use plastic waste. Plastic bags should be clear, or the top must remain open so waste collectors can see the contents. Bags must weigh less than 50 pounds each, and there is a 20 bag limit per week per residence. Have branches trimmed shorter than 4 feet long and less than 5 inches thick — stack limbs in small piles for easy collection.


News Around Town: COVID numbers in NC hit records this past Thursday and Friday, each day topping more than 2,500 cases. Over the past week the number of tests completed has increased as well as the percentage of positives.

One Good Thing: Once again Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist, 381 Crestdale Rd., will host drive-through COVID testing today. Atrium staff will be at the church from 8 am to 2:30 pm (October 21) offering free testing.
