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Morning Minute: Monday, November 9, 2020

News About Town: The Board of Commissioners will have several public hearings at the meeting tonight, including the Buvermo Investments (2020-717) senior living facility proposed for 9832 Idlewild Road and a text amendment change for selling items outdoors at the Home Depot (2020-719) on Matthews Township Parkway. The Board will accept several zoning actions (Zoning Application 2020-720, Zoning Application 2020-721, Zoning Application 2020-722, and Zoning Application 2020-723), which means discussion around these items will begin during the January 11, 2021 Board of Commissioners meeting. The Board will vote on several zoning actions, including:


News About Town continued:

  • Zoning Application 2020-715/Williams Business Properties: The property at the corner of Trade and Weddington. The developer is proposing a 98 unit multi-family rental development.

  • Zoning Application 2020-716/text amendment: A text amendment change to the Unified Development Ordinance to allow independent living facilities as a permitted use in the R/I Zoning District when associated with a conditional site plan.

  • Zoning Application 2020-718/Harley Davidson: A change in zoning conditions to allow for the façade of the Harley Davidson building and parking area to be renovated. The new design includes an outdoor sound stage.

  • Public Improvement Variance : A request to delete some items generally required with development, such as curb and gutter and a sidewalk. This variance is in conjunction with the next bullet point.  

  • Site Plan Approval 1935 Rice Road: A redevelopment of property from a daycare to mixed-use retail, medical, and office spaces. Commissioner John Urban recused himself at the October 12 meeting as his firm is working with the applicants on this project.

One Good Opportunity: If you run a small retail business in Matthews, we want to feature you. Send a product shot, and a link to your shop (must be in 28105) and we’ll feature your item in our daily photo. Send it to and we’ll get it scheduled.
