News About Town: For those avoiding the Trade/Weddington/Pleasant Plains intersection like the plague, it’s time to revisit. Though barrels still dot the landscape, they’re out of the road and the lines are painted. There is a new lane configuration so things look slightly different. While a few items on the to-do list remain, those will not interrupt traffic flow. For those counting, this NCDOT project was originally "let" on December 6, 2017. (Was that a town-wide collective sigh of relief?)
Independent retailers are part of the charm of Matthews. Fab Fun Furniture, beside Target on Matthews Township Parkway, is a small business in a big space. Filled with fab furniture and throwback fun, make sure you plan for plenty of browsing time.
One Good Thing: This Thursday, December 17, Atrium will have their mobile COVID testing unit at Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church (381 Crestdale Road), from 8 am to 2:30 pm.
Our Teacher Appreciation Drive Needs You! We’re sharing the gifts with the teachers at C.O.S. Kids this week, but there’s still time to donate a gift card or two. We need $10 cards for lunches, and $20 cards for grocery stores and big box retailers. Thank you to the generous donors who helped kick things off with beautiful plants and flowers! What a cheerful way to start a Monday!