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Morning Minute: Monday, December 14, 2020

News About Town: For those avoiding the Trade/Weddington/Pleasant Plains intersection like the plague, it’s time to revisit. Though barrels still dot the landscape, they’re out of the road and the lines are painted. There is a new lane configuration so things look slightly different. While a few items on the to-do list remain, those will not interrupt traffic flow. For those counting, this NCDOT project was originally "let" on December 6, 2017. (Was that a town-wide collective sigh of relief?)

Independent retailers are part of the charm of Matthews. Fab  Fun Furniture, beside Target on Matthews Township Parkway, is a small business in a big space. Filled with fab furniture and throwback fun, make sure you plan for plenty of browsing time.

Independent retailers are part of the charm of Matthews. Fab Fun Furniture, beside Target on Matthews Township Parkway, is a small business in a big space. Filled with fab furniture and throwback fun, make sure you plan for plenty of browsing time.

One Good Thing: This Thursday, December 17, Atrium will have their mobile COVID testing unit at Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church (381 Crestdale Road), from 8 am to 2:30 pm.

Our Teacher Appreciation Drive Needs You! We’re sharing the gifts with the teachers at C.O.S. Kids this week, but there’s still time to donate a gift card or two. We need $10 cards for lunches, and $20 cards for grocery stores and big box retailers. Thank you to the generous donors who helped kick things off with beautiful plants and flowers! What a cheerful way to start a Monday!
