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Morning Minute: Tuesday, March 3, 2020

*Good gracious, it was only Monday and we made a bad mistake. Blues Beatles is next weekend (March 13), not this weekend.

News About Town: Did you hear the daffodils whispering that it’s a good time to sow peas? Did you know, it’s a general gardening rule that forsythia blooms when it’s time to plant lettuce? Turns out there’s something to old farm lore and the kinds of observations that make a correlation between plants. It’s called Phenology, the study of periodic plant and animal life cycles and their interaction with variations in climate and seasonal changes. Sow your seeds, the flowers are giving their permission.


News Around Town: Today’s the last day for primary voting. All voting places will be open today, March 3,from 6:30 am until 7:30 pm. Matthews voters must go to their regular polling location to vote today.

One Fun Thing: Home Depot (1837 Matthews Township Parkway, Matthews), in partnership with Discovery Education has a free STEAM-based activity this weekend. With the help of store associates (and handy parents), kids can build a pair of binoculars that work. Register here; 9 am to noon, Saturday, March 7.
