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Morning Minute: Friday, March 13, 2020

News About Town: Last night, Mayor John Higdon, Fire Chief Rob Kinniburgh, Police Chief Clark Pennington, Kevin Woods (Crown Point Principal), and parents, grandparents, and lots of friends filled McDowell Arts Center. Matthews Artists Guild (MAG) paired up with Crown Point Elementary School for an exciting art show at the McDowell Gallery, which officially opens this Saturday, March 14 through the end of the month. Seventy-five kids from kindergarten through fifth grade have worked all year putting together their finest masterpieces, now on display. In addition, artwork from the members of MAG will fill in the empty spots to ensure art everywhere at the McDowell!     

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News Around Town: With TP and hand sanitizer in short supply, the County and CDC continue to provide tips to stay healthy during COVID-19 season. To reiterate, Mecklenburg County has a site dedicated to updated info on the novel coronavirus outbreak.  The website includes various resources and updates on the impact of COVID-19 on our community and uses Google translate. The county, CMS, Novant, Atrium, and other key organizations provided a Facebook Live update yesterday. Governor Roy Cooper provided a live update yesterday, as well.

One More Thing: With the confirmation of coronavirus in Mecklenburg County, the gravity of the virus is setting in. Here in Matthews, Blues Beatles at the Community Center has been canceled. Next week, the Red Brick Partnership's 2020 Shamrock Crawl has been postponed. While individual businesses will still have St. Patrick’s Day specials, the free tee shirts and maps will not be distributed.
