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Morning Minute: Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Town of Matthews is closing facilities through May 8. Advisory and committee meetings are also canceled through May 8. The March 23 Board of Commissioners meeting has been canceled. The April meetings will be considered closer to the meeting dates. Further information can be found on the Town’s website.


The Matthews HELP Center is also taking coronavirus precautions:

  • The Financial Assistance and Social Service department will be open by phone appointment only Monday- Friday from 9:30- 1:30 for urgent and life essential needs.  Call (704) 847-8383 or visit the website at and send their team an email.

  • The Food Pantry is offering curbside service. If you need food assistance please call ahead at (704) 847-8383.

  • The Treasures Thrift Boutique is closed until further notice. Please do not leave donations.

For those with job uncertainty, NC Department of Employment Security has a You Tube video of how to file an unemployment claim.

Matthews-based law firm Garrity & Gossage is collecting non-perishables for seniors and families in our area. Check out their Amazon list to make purchases and have them shipped directly to our office. Staff will deliver to seniors and arrange for families to pick up what they need.

Greater Charlotte YMCAs are also closed. If you’re a member they are offering Some online classes. If you’re not a member, many other websites are offering free classes. Website Mind Body Green is waiving fees on a few holistic wellness classes. Planet fitness is streaming free classes on their Facebook page, open to members and nonmembers.

K-12 public schools are closed. Teachers are sending out curriculum but there are plenty of online learning opportunities. Check out Mr. B’s music lessons, and Mrs Green’s art lessons. Looking for science? Check out the Cincinnati Zoo’s online safari.
