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Morning Minute: Friday, March 6, 2020

News About Town:  The March 9 Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is available online. Item 14 A includes a list of items discussed at the recent Planning Conference. These are items and actions that the Board expressed interest in pursuing and may or may not come up during the remainder of the 2020/21 term. Items include collaborating with UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, pursuing additional park space as it may become available, and exploring land acquisition for a future fire station.


News Around Town: It’s the final night for the Family Fun series at Crews Road Rec Center and it’s going to be a good one. CWF Mid-Atlantic stars will throw down on the wrestling mat, in full-on ultra-campy style (looking at you, Viva Las Amish) while Matthews families cheer them on. Practice your hollers and gear up for some wrestling (wrassling) ring rowdiness. Tickets are $5 for 18+ year olds, and $2 for under 18. Register here.

One Fun Thing: According to Brad Panovich, the ruby-throated hummingbirds are showing up early this year. One sighting was reported in Chester, SC, the earliest on record. Scrub and sanitize your feeders, make a batch of sugar water, and let the birdwatching begin.
