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Morning Minute: Frinesterday, May 22, 2020

News About Town: The Tuesday, May 26 Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is online. The meeting will be held on Tuesday due to Memorial Day. Once again the meeting will be held via Zoom. Public comments should be directed to Town Clerk Lori Canapinno by 5 pm (3 pm for budget comments) the day of the meeting. Items of note include an the public hearing for the FY21 Town budget, an update on the Silverline process, and DOT will provide project updates. NCDOT new project funds are frozen due to financial troubles exacerbated by COVID-19.


News Around Town: As retailers reopen with safety practices in place, the Sycamore Commons Pier1is reopening just as the chain begins the process of permanently shuttering all of its stores. The retailer filed for bankruptcy protection in January of this year and sought a buyer. With no sale in place, the company is ready to begin the store-closure process.

One Good Thing: Hools-Orr American Legion Post 235 will hold their Annual Matthews Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 25 at 11:00 am at Stumptown Park. The ceremony will honor Matthews service members who made the ultimate sacrifice.

At 3 pm on Monday, participate in the National Moment of Remembrance. This one minute observation was created by Congress as an act of national unity on Memorial Day.
