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Morning Minute: June 11, 2020

News About Town: Since the murder of George Floyd, ideas and suggestions have been made to improve police departments. One popular idea is 8 Can’t Wait. Matthews PD Chief Clark Pennington released a thorough response detailing the policing methods MPD has already adopted, and those the department can adopt moving forward.


News Around Town: School’s out, which means it’s time once again for the Char-Meck Library Summer Break Challenge. Register online to participate, read to earn points, then win prizes. For the month of June, kids read and track their Summer Break progress to help the library reach a 15-MILLION-minute reading goal for June.

One Good Thing: Artist Dixie Friend Gay will host a free online public art workshop on the Arts & Science Council’s YouTube channel on Friday, June 19, from 2 to 3 pm. The award-winning artist will chat with those watching, and give real life advice to making a living in art.

Don’t Forget your Bingo cards!
