News About Town: During Monday’s meeting, the Board of Commissioners voted to support the county should it decide to make mask wearing a requirement. The resolution (read it in full here) follows CDC recommendations for masks indoors and in certain circumstances where physical distancing is difficult. According to Mayor Higdon, “The Centers for Disease Control have determined wearing a face covering is a useful preventative measure to slow the spread of COVID-19. While the town will not actively enforce compliance, it is my hope our citizens will respect their neighbors and tolerate the minor inconvenience of wearing a face covering when in situations where social distancing cannot be honored."
On Tuesday, the County Commission approved a mask mandate though details are still unclear.
Recent recommendations from the World Health Organization and Stanford Medical, among other significant bodies in the medical community, confirm the importance of face coverings in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

News Around Town: If you’re looking for easy-to-grow plants to attract pollinators, native species are right on up there. Try flowers like purple coneflower, black eyed susan, common milkweed, New England aster, and common coreopsis. These are found in most area gardening centers, just make sure they haven’t been treated with neonics, a commonly used insecticide, which may defeat the purpose in attracting pollinators.
One Fun Thing: She may be living in Memphis now but Liz Brasher will always be a part of Matthews.