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Morning Minute: Thursday, July 23, 2020

Matthews During Phase II

Happy Wednesday, neighbors! The heat is on, but the thunderstorms have been watering the garden, so there's a nice little weather balance going on these days. What's new?

News About Town: The agenda has been posted for the Monday, July 27 Board of Commissioners meeting. Watch via Zoom or on the Town of Matthews YouTube Channel. You may also listen by phone by calling 888-788-0099 (Toll Free) or 877-853-5247 (Toll Free) and entering meeting ID 953 0971 2009. Public comments should be directed to Town Clerk Lori Canapinno by 5 pm (3 pm for budget comments) the day of the meeting.


News Around Town: In March, Governor Cooper signed an Executive Order prohibiting utility companies from turning off utilities as part of COVID-19 response. In June, that Executive Order was extended through the end of July. It is not expected for the Governor to extend the order again. The moratorium included a ban for late fees, penalties, and other charges for failure to pay; and an extension for repayment plans at least six months.
