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Morning Minute: Friday, August 28, 2020

News Around Town: Over the past four weeks, Town of Matthews Staff (special shout out to Parks and Rec!) have been working toward a facilitation program for school age children who are learning virtually. With the framework in place, the Town needed CMS’ nod of approval to move forward with the program to fulfill emergency stipulations set forth by NCDHHS during COVID-19. During the Board of Education’s meeting Tuesday, the CMS Board unanimously approved the partnership and has requested the General Assembly honor the agreement. (CMS BOE meeting, starts at time stamp 45:35)


News Around Beacon: We owe a Beacon-sized amount of gratitude to Eileen Schwartz for her art prompts over the last few months. Eileen will resume teaching at the McDowell Arts Center in September, so she’ll be sending in weekly prompts rather than daily. Eileen will continue her two art classes: Art for Adults with Disabilities (Tuesdays, 9 am - 12 pm; Matthews Residents $60, Non-Residents $65), and Art for Veterans (Wednesdays, 12:30 - 3:30 pm; free). Thank you, Eileen, for your contributions to the Beacon and to the community.

Don’t Forget: Tonight is Playhouse Bingo Night! Support the Playhouse’s integral role in the Matthews community while benefiting the Matthews HELP Center all in one fell swoop. Study up.
