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Enchanted Whistle

Enchanted Whistle

In the distance
Of morning mist
An enchanted whistle
Can be heard
Coming down the track.

Like a swan
It glides until
It stops
Upon sunlit wooden ties.

It beckons
Hearts yearning
And promises to
Carry dreams
Over the mountains
Crossing bridges
Through the tunnels
Passing fields
Until the next stop
Where new dreams await
And old ones lay
On idle rails.

It comes to rest
Like an old man asleep
It seems to sigh
And snores gentle steam.

At the next station
Don’t pass your chance
Or be side tracked
When you hear
The whistle blow
For the one time only
Special ride on the
Dream track


By Lorraine Stark

Image via Unsplash by @kholodnitskiymaksim

Image via Unsplash by @kholodnitskiymaksim
