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Morning Minute: Friday, August 7, 2020

News About Town: As the first day of school draws closer, the Town of Matthews wants to know about parents’ needs. Parks and Rec is busy developing programming for the 20/21 school year and recognizes there will be families with differing childcare needs. Fill out this survey to help the department make decisions about fall offerings.


News Around Town: Yard Art Day is coming up September 7 (Labor Day). Created by Charlotte photographer Deborah Triplett, Yard Art Day engages the public in the realm of art in a COVID-compliant manner. To participate, there are a few rules: someone in the household must be the art maker, it should be viewable from the street, it can be any medium (performance and music included), and no selling. Registration is now open, and Matthews residents are welcome to participate.

One Good Thing: Although we’ll be away from each other tomorrow, it’s an important day for every community: August 8th is National Zucchini Day. How does one celebrate? By sneaking some zucchini onto your neighbor's porch, of course. It’s Zoodle time, y’all!
