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Morning Minute: Thursday, October 14, 2021

News About Town: Many town documents are not policy documents but serve as idea books for future planning; the Composite Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (CBPP) is one such planning document. The CBPP keeps an inventory of greenways, bike trails, sidewalks, and other paths, while defining future functionality and possible connectivity to increase transportation options. Having a documented plan also makes some projects eligible for funding through transportation grants. The Board of Commissioners approved updates to the CBPP this past Monday to include new items such as the Silverline Rail Trail. See the changes (in red) here.

Thank you, Kathleen Bellavia for the photo! Share your photo with Beacon readers.

Thank you, Kathleen Bellavia for the photo! Share your photo with Beacon readers.

News About Town: There’s a new COVID testing facility in Matthews and it’s free. StarMed , the same organization that has served the county at Bojangles Coliseum, has a drive thru testing facility set up in the parking lot of the now-closed Cinemark Movies 10 parking lot (9508 Northeast Ct.) Fill out an online questionnaire, receive a confirmation number, and drive on up. StarMed offers both PCR and rapid tests.

One Good Thing: Congratulations are in order for the Butler High School Marching Band and Color Guard. The Bulldogs won place in music, visual, percussion, and color-guard as well as the Grand Champion title in the silver division at competition in Boiling Springs, SC this past Saturday, October 9.
