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Morning Minute: Tuesday, October 5, 2021

News About Town: Several advisory board meetings are coming up: The Veterans Advisory Committee meets this Wednesday, October 6, at 7 pm. Monday, October 11, the Board of Commissioners will hold a regular meeting at 7pm (the second one in October is on the 25th). On Tuesday, October 12, the Matthews Committee on Education will hold a remote meeting at 6:45pm; at 7pm that same night the Environmental Advisory Committee will hold their monthly meeting. At 6:30pm, Wednesday, October 13, the Parks, Rec, and Cultural Advisory Committee will meet. The Appearance/Tree Committee meets on Monday, October 18 at 7pm and the Transportation Advisory Committee meets Thursday, October 21 at 7pm. The Planning Board and the Cultural Diversity Committee both have meetings on Tuesday, October 26 at 7pm. Check out the town calendar for more happenings.

Malachite butterfly in the butterfly tent at Matthews Alive! several years ago. Photo kindly submitted by reader Mary Magee.

Malachite butterfly in the butterfly tent at Matthews Alive! several years ago. Photo kindly submitted by reader Mary Magee.

News Around Town: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a month to focus on connecting nonprofits and initiatives working with domestic violence issues, as well as a time to bring awareness to domestic violence. Search social media with #WeAreResilient this month. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime, and women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, the Greater Charlotte Hope Line (980-771-4673) is a local, 24-hour hotline for domestic violence or sexual assault support. They also offer parenting support and can connect survivors with domestic violence shelters.

One Good Thing: With campaigning in full swing it's time to learn about the candidates and where they stand on the issues. There's no better opportunity than the Matthews Mint Hill Weekly's Candidate Forum this Wednesday, October 6, at 6pm at the Levine Senior Center (1050 Devore Ln). Laura Budd from Weaver, Budd Law will facilitate the forum and questions will be collected beforehand and from attendees.
