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Morning Minute: Wednesday, December 1, 2021

News About Town: A new month means a new advisory board meeting schedule. The Veterans Advisory Committee meets tonight at 7 pm. At 6:30pm, Wednesday, December 8, the Parks, Rec, and Cultural Advisory Committee will meet. Monday, December 13, the Board of Commissioners will hold a regular meeting at 7pm (the second one in December is canceled). The new Board will be sworn in during the second portion of the December 13 meeting. On Tuesday, December 14, the Matthews Committee on Education will hold a meeting at 6:45pm at Town Hall; at 7pm that same night the Environmental Advisory Committee will hold their monthly meeting. The Appearance/Tree Committee meets on Monday, December 20 at 7pm. The Planning Board and the Cultural Diversity Committee both have meetings on Tuesday, December 28 at 7pm at Town Hall. Check out the town calendar for more happenings.

Thank you, Santa Bob (Aycock) for this fun picture! Want to share one of your photos? Send it to us!

News Around Town: North Carolina has a burn ban in effect. Yes, you can still grill and barbecue, no, you cannot burn leaves.* To clarify, the NC Forest Service explains, “Campfires would be considered open burning and are not exempt from the burn ban. During a burn ban, portable gas stoves or grills are alternate methods for cooking food while camping.” However, the county allows outdoor fireplaces, portable outdoor fireplaces, barbecue grills, or fire pits (containing fire started for religious, ceremonial, cooking, or warmth purposes). It can be no larger than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height. *Open burning of yard debris within the town limits is not allowed. 

One Good Thing: In Matthews, community support doesn’t stop after Giving Tuesday. COS Kids has a $20,000 fundraising goal that is being matched dollar for dollar. Programs beyond forming educated, resilient children include single-parent support and scholarships for families in need. 
