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Morning Minute: Monday, December 6, 2021

News About Town: Hundreds of Matthews residents gathered in front of Town Hall Saturday night for the annual tree lighting. Festivities included Mayor John Higdon emceeing the entertainment, featuring carols from the Crestdale Sixth Grade Chorus and dancers with Charlotte Dance Alliance, a dance school in Windsor Square. Brakeman’s provided hot chocolate, while Novant and other area businesses filled goodie bags with candy and swag. Santa and Mrs. Claus perched on polar bear laps under a festive gazebo while posing for photos with a line that tapered down only after the crowd counted down to the tree lighting.

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News Around Town: Matthews resident and co-founder, Ann Margret Gidley, describes Little Citizens Club as a nonprofit whose goal is to “cultivate compassionate children by providing child-friendly service opportunities as part of a social club.” The group is hosting a sock drive to serve Crisis Assistance Ministry. Donate new or clean and gently used socks at one of several area drop-off sites by December 10. If you’d like to help by collecting socks and can place a bin on your porch for an additional drop location, please email

One Fun Thing: After a 20-month pause, Matthews Concert Band is back and ready to jingle your socks off! The volunteer community band is taking the stage at Matthews Presbyterian Church, 207 West John St., this Friday at 7:30pm. The event is free and will be worth every dollar you don’t spend (and then some)! 
