News About Matthews: The Board will hold several Public Hearings for zoning-related issues during the Board of Commissioners Meeting on Monday, February 8. Application 2020-725 is a request By Goodwin Custom Homes to change the zoning from R-20 (a Single-Family designation with a minimum lot size 20,000 square feet) to R-VS (Residential Varied Style, a higher density single-family residential zoning). The proposed change for 2132 Pleasant Plains Road, a parcel adjacent to the Matthews Tennis Club and across from Brightmoor, would include eight duets (also known as duplexes) on a 3. 236 acre lot. Seven single-family homes are allowed by the current R-20 zoning.
Image via Unsplash @unitednations
News Around Matthews: Mecklenburg County Health Director Gibbie Harris extended her COVID directive through the end of February, 2021. Though COVID numbers are moving in the right direction, percentages and hospitalizations are still high. In Matthews, the Crews Road Rec Center and Matthews Community Center will remain closed until February 28. Classes being offered through Zoom will continue to be offered online.
Per Harris’ directive:
Wear a mask at all times and maintain physical distance (at least 6 feet) from people when outside your home.
Masks continue to be the most highly effective way of mitigating the spread of COVID-19, along with social distancing and washing hands. Masks do not replace the need for social distancing or washing hands. All three actions are needed to reduce the risk of spread.
Do not enter any indoor public spaces, including any eating or drinking establishments, where anyone is unmasked or when you see crowds of people who are not physically distanced.
Avoid gathering with individuals that you do not live with. Multiple households should not co-mingle. If you cannot avoid gathering, gather outdoors with as few people as possible, but no more than 25 people. Ensure all attendees are wearing a mask at all times and avoid activities that require the removal of your face covering, such as consuming food and beverage.
Avoid settings where people may congregate in large numbers, such as entertainment venues, airports, shopping malls, sporting events, etc.