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Morning Minute: Wednesday, February 3, 2021

News About Matthews: Advisory Boards for the Town of Matthews aid in decision making with a variety of community concerns and provide an opportunity for community members to play a role in the creation of town-wide policy. Currently there are vacancies on many of the advisory boards and applications are being accepted. Boards in need of volunteers include:

  • Appearance/Tree Board,

  • Board of Adjustment (alternate),

  • Cultural Diversity Committee,

  • Committee on Education (requires resume submission with application),

  • Environmental Advisory Committee,

  • Economic Development Advisory Committee,

  • Planning Board (alternate),

  • Veterans Advisory Committee.

The Citizen Participation Handbook gives the who/what/where. If you are interested in serving, submit an application to Town Clerk Lori Canapinno before end of business on Friday, February 12.

Image via Unsplash @mbornhurst

Image via Unsplash @mbornhurst

News Around Town: For most of us by now, mask wearing is a habit. If you’re out and find others not complying with the state mask mandate, here are a few options: First, call and report the problem to 311. This is a county number and they distribute calls to localities. You can also call the local, non-emergency police line (704-841-6787) to report a complaint. The Matthews Police will visit the site and educate staff on the expectations of mask-wearing. Under the Governor’s Executive Order, repeated offenses may result in a Class 2 misdemeanor, which could result in a fine of up to $1,000 or active punishment.

One Good Thing: Fullwood Market, 131 E John St B, is graciously offering free breakfast or lunch to any medical professional, police/fire/EMT this week. Bring an ID or wear your uniform and they’ll take care of the rest.
