News About Matthews: Advisory Boards for the Town of Matthews aid in decision making with a variety of community concerns and provide an opportunity for community members to play a role in the creation of town-wide policy. Currently there are vacancies on many of the advisory boards and applications are being accepted. Boards in need of volunteers include:
Appearance/Tree Board,
Board of Adjustment (alternate),
Cultural Diversity Committee,
Committee on Education (requires resume submission with application),
Environmental Advisory Committee,
Economic Development Advisory Committee,
Planning Board (alternate),
Veterans Advisory Committee.
The Citizen Participation Handbook gives the who/what/where. If you are interested in serving, submit an application to Town Clerk Lori Canapinno before end of business on Friday, February 12.
Image via Unsplash @mbornhurst
News Around Town: For most of us by now, mask wearing is a habit. If you’re out and find others not complying with the state mask mandate, here are a few options: First, call and report the problem to 311. This is a county number and they distribute calls to localities. You can also call the local, non-emergency police line (704-841-6787) to report a complaint. The Matthews Police will visit the site and educate staff on the expectations of mask-wearing. Under the Governor’s Executive Order, repeated offenses may result in a Class 2 misdemeanor, which could result in a fine of up to $1,000 or active punishment.
One Good Thing: Fullwood Market, 131 E John St B, is graciously offering free breakfast or lunch to any medical professional, police/fire/EMT this week. Bring an ID or wear your uniform and they’ll take care of the rest.