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Morning Minute: Friday, February 5, 2021

News About Town: The Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is available online. There are several Planning and Zoning Related Actions to be voted on for approval or denial during the upcoming meeting.  :

  •  Zoning Application 2020-717/Idlewild Senior Living to change the zoning classification from R-15 (a single-family designation) to Residential/Industrial Conditional Use (R/I[CD]) at 9832 Idlewild Road and further to accommodate a 128 unit senior living facility. This Item was deferred from January 11. Minor changes have been made since the January meeting. Updated plans can be found here.

  • Zoning Application 2020-720/Lowe’s to change the existing Business/Shopping Center (w/over 100,000 sq. ft.) Conditional Zoning (B1[SCD]) conditions in the Sycamore Commons shopping center, 2115 Matthews Township Parkway, to allow the construction of a 3,000 square foot enclosed addition with a 1,500 square foot equipment storage area to the existing Lowe’s building. Clarifications can be found in this memo.

  •  Zoning Application 2020-721/text amendment to amend the text to the UDO regarding open space requirement of the Concentrated Multifamily (C-MF) zoning district. Some clarification and compromise was made at the previous Board meeting as is summarized in the 2020-721 memo.

  •  Zoning Application 2020-723/Harkey to change the zoning classification from R-12 (single-family) to R-12 MF (CD) at 2026 Matthews-Mint Hill Road to allow for a combination of single-family, townhomes, and duplexes. Five units will be priced at 80% area median income, creating a more affordable housing option in Matthews. More details here

  • Public Improvement Variance allowing the replacement of a storage building that is approximately 3 or 4 feet into a SWIM buffer. Details here.

  • Public Improvement Variance – Fiorenza/Four Corners requests the elimination of a sidewalk/multi-use path along Sam Newell Road and curb and gutter on Lakeview Circle in exchange for deeding an eight-acre piece of the parcel to the town for future park use. The multiuse path and curb and gutter were part of the original rezoning agreement.

As a reminder, an early meeting starts at 5:30 pm and the regular meeting starts at 7 pm, Monday, February 8. The Board will meet via Zoom (link here, meeting ID 938 8104 5575). To listen live, call toll free 888-788-0099 and enter the meeting ID 938 8104 5575. A livestream of the meeting will also be available via the Town of Matthews YouTube Channel. For more information, including the process for public comment, visit the town website.

Image via Unsplash @sincerelymedia

Image via Unsplash @sincerelymedia

News Around Town: The Town of Matthews is hosting a Red cross Blood Drive at Town Hall on Thursday, February 18 from 10 am to 2:30 pm. Not only does the Red Cross always need blood and plasma, giving during the pandemic can be especially helpful. According to the Red Cross website, "The American Red Cross is testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies. As part of that effort, plasma from whole blood donations that test positive for COVID-19 antibodies may now help current coronavirus patients in need of convalescent plasma transfusions.” If you’ve received the Coronavirus vaccine, know the brand of vaccine you received when you go in for your donation time. For more information on COVID and donating blood, visit the Red Cross site. Schedule your donation time online (search for MATTHEWSTOWN under “Find a Drive” to streamline the process.
