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Morning Minute: Thursday, March 11, 2021

News About Town: According to the Public Works Department of Matthews, trash and debris have become more noticeable on state roads since the pandemic began. As a result of resident concerns, the Town of Matthews has a clean up plan in place. Trash accumulated along state roads is the responsibility of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), which will begin mowing operations again in early April. Prior to mowing, NCDOT will remove litter and debris.

The Town of Matthews has been working for the past several months with the Eastwood Forest  neighborhood (this neighborhood is often used as a cut through from East John to Pleasant Plains) to work with homeowners to remove visible trash and debris violations. Clean up efforts have been successful and remain ongoing. For many, not just in this neighborhood, the problem is simply not knowing that large object pick up is by request only. Schedule by calling 704-393-6900. For further details on waste guidelines, visit the Public Works webpage.

To further expand the efforts of town-wide beautification, the Town and Keep Mecklenburg Beautiful will host a community-wide cleanup on Saturday, April 17, from 9 am. to 12 pm. Tools like trash grabbers and safety vests will be provided. Look for further updates on this litter sweep soon.

Image via Unsplash  photographer @elizabeth_mcdaniel

Image via Unsplash photographer @elizabeth_mcdaniel

News Around Town: Check out the newest art piece in the Pollinator Garden of Country Place Park (corner of Country Place & S Trade). On January 29, local beekeepers and HAWK representatives hung a ceramic butterfly mobile made by beekeeper, potter, and Matthews resident Phil St Martin. Find the mobile in the tree closest to metalsmith Amy Hart’s upcycled bee sculpture.
