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Morning Minute: Wednesday, March 17, 2021

News About Town: The Town of Matthews Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resource Department (ToMPRCRD <—-let’s go ahead and pronounce that Tom PreCard) seeks an artist to create a mural design for the Crestdale neighborhood of Matthews. The design should be inspired by the historic Crestdale community to highlight the Crestdale Heritage Trail. Painting the mural will be a collaborative process with community members involved. There is an application process and artists must be 18 or older and eligible to work in the US. Find out further details here.


News Around Town: The National Weather Service has issued a Severe Weather Warning for Thursday. According to the service, “Potential severe weather will be in store for the entire area on Thursday. Main threats will be damaging winds, large hail, and an isolated tornado or two.” If 2020 taught us anything, these warnings should be taken seriously. For follow up reports, see the National Weather Service website.

One Good Thing: Join the Mecklenburg County COVID-19 Renewal and Recovery Task Force for a virtual town hall this Thursday, March 18 from 6 - 7:30 pm. Centering around the detrimental effect that COVID-19 has had on mental health and childcare and family services in the community, experts will highlight the various ways COVID-19 has impacted childcare and family service providers. Register here.
