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Morning Minute: Monday, April 12, 2021

News About Town: The Monday, April 12 Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is available online. The Board will meet via Zoom (link here, meeting ID 976 2258 0481). To listen live, call toll free 888-788-0099 and enter the meeting ID 976 2258 0481. A livestream of the meeting will also be available via the Town of Matthews YouTube Channel. For more information, including the process for public comment, visit the town website.

A 6 pm meeting is scheduled to discuss Town-owned properties in the downtown area. At the regular 7 pm meeting, items of note include:


News Around Town: According to the CDC, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects about 1 out of 54 children. Matthews Fire & EMS, in order to better serve residents on the spectrum, is now part of Community Connect. This partnership with county fire and EMS is an easily accessible, confidential, online form where households can provide critical information to first responders when caring for residents with ASD. Create an account here.

One Fun Thing: If we’ve learned anything during the pandemic, it’s that screens have their place—connecting people from all over the world to meet, socialize, and maintain connections. With the rising interest in Esports, a form of sport competition using video games, Mecklenburg County wants input on possible programming. Programming may take the form of both team and individual video game competitions. Take a quick survey here.
