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Morning Minute: Wednesday, April 14, 2021

News About Town: It’s budget season! Almost as much fun as pollen season, municipal budget season has Town of Matthews department heads itching to get important initiatives funded. The process has been ongoing with staff, and this Saturday the Board of Commissioners will begin the process of prioritizing funds for Town of Matthews’ operations.

According to the UNC School of Government, department heads must have their requests to the budget officer by April 30; in Matthews the budget officer is the town manager. The Board of Commissioners should have a recommended budget by June 1. The budget should be finalized to be enacted by July 1, when the 2021/22 Fiscal Year begins. Matthews generally begins the process with staff in February, bringing the budget before the Board in April, followed by budget workshops in May and possibly June. In June, a public hearing is held before finalizing the budget.

The Board of Commissioners will hold a special meeting on Saturday, April 17 starting at 10:30 am at the Matthews Town Hall. A limited number of the public may attend the meeting in person and is required to wear a mask and follow social distancing protocols.

The meeting will be available via Zoom (meeting ID 938 0767 0308), the Town of Matthews YouTube channel, or listen live by calling 888-788-0099 (Toll Free) and entering meeting ID 938 0767 0308.


News Around Town: The Matthews Chamber is kicking of a hybrid Week of Wellness this Friday, April 16. Register online to receive access to online events and participate in Novant’s Bingo Challenge. Join in online cooking demos, virtual Tai Chi, or take a selfie on the greenway and tag #HLweekofwellness. A few in-person events are super tempting (we’re looking at you, CycleBar with socializing afterward). Each of these fun, healthy events will get you one block closer to BINGO while building healthier habits. Earn bingo and email proof to the Chamber to be entered for a chance to win a prize! See the full schedule here and register by clicking links on the bingo board.

One Good Thing: Bambino Buddy Ball is coming to MARA (Arthur Goodman Park) most Sundays between April 25 and June 6. This free program serves boys, girls, and young adults, ages 5-20*, living with special needs (mental and/or physical) that want to play organized non-competitive baseball. Players are paired with MARA volunteers to learn baseball skills, experience the thrill of team play, and enjoy camaraderie in a safe, loving, and fun environment. Learn more here!
