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Morning Minute: Tuesday, April 27, 2021

News About Town: As of May 3, the Town of Matthews today will have a new finance director: Teresa Fulk. Ms. Fulk has worked in municipal finance for the past 12 years, and finance-related fields prior. She comes to Matthews via the Town of Newport, NC and Carteret County before that. According to the town website, Ms. Fulk has a B.A. in Accounting from Winston-Salem State University. and is a certified Local Government Finance Officer, a certified Budget & Evaluation Officer, and a certified Local Government Purchasing Officer.


News Around Town: The Matthews Heritage Museum will receive a “Preserving and Sharing Community Histories Online” consultation from the State Archives of North Carolina in 2021. Through the State Archives’ Traveling Archivist Program, a portion of the Dr. Henry V. Massey collection will be organized and digitized. Containing over 700 documents and 70 letters, the Dr. Henry V. Massey Collection was given to the Museum by Dr. Massey’s great-great grandchildren.

The Massey-Clark House serves as the home for the Matthews Heritage Museum.

One Good Thing: The Town of Matthews Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resource Department has extended the Call for Artists deadline for the Crestdale Heritage Trail Street Mural to Monday, May 3, 2021. ToMPRCRD seeks an artist to create a mural inspired by the historic Crestdale community. Implementation will be a collaborative process with community members involved. Find out further details here.
