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Morning Minute: Friday, May 7, 2021

News About Town: The Monday, May 10 Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is available online. The Board will meet via Zoom (link here, meeting ID 957 3791 2935). To listen live, call toll free 888-788-0099 and enter the meeting ID 957 3791 2935. A livestream of the meeting will also be available via the Town of Matthews YouTube Channel. For more information, including the process for public comment, visit the town website.

A 5:30 pm meeting is scheduled for the Board to receive the Town Manager’s budget presentation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.

Some items of note for the 7pm meeting include:

  • Discussing local and national issues with NC District 9 Representative Dan Bishop.

  • Motion 2021-1/text amendment: a text amendment to the UDO to allow a six-foot fence in the front yard setback along major thoroughfares with proper setbacks and vegetative screening.

  • An increased cost to lease the parking lot between the railroad and Seaboard.


News Around Town: As the Silver Line plans begin to take shape, concerns regarding the possibility of accompanying development arise. Charlotte Area Transit Systems (CATS) has partnered with Urban Land Institute (ULI)-Charlotte to create a free, two-part Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Series to support those conversations around the Silver Line corridor.

Setting the Stage for TOD in Small and Big Cities (May 20, 1-2:30pm, register here) covers TOD in various forms and different contexts. Panelists will discuss how transit can enhance and preserve the places it serves by proactively managing changes as they arise.

Equitable TOD: Building Equity as Part of Transit & TOD (May 27, 1-3pm, register here) covers the equitable distribution of benefits from TOD through thoughtful strategies around affordable housing, public health, and strong local businesses.

Don’t Forget:
