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Morning Minute: Monday, June 21

News About Town: Several advisory board meetings are coming up over the next two weeks. The Tree and Appearance Committee meets in-person tonight at 7pm at the Community Center . On Tuesday (June 22) at 7 pm, the Planning Board (virtual meeting, info here) and the Cultural Diversity Committee (virtual meeting, info here) have scheduled meetings. On Thursday, July 1, the Board of Adjustments meets in Town Hall at 7 pm.


News Around Town: Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity (GMHFH) is excited to announce that after a three-year pause, they will be accepting applications to purchase a home through their New Homeownership Program July 7th, 8th, and 9th. Applications can be completed online or a paper copy can be picked up from their office at 2447 East John St. during the application period. There will be a non-refundable $25 application fee.
Find the detailed list of what’s needed to complete the application on the Habitat website. Construction of this home is expected to begin this fall. Want more info about home sponsorship? Email

One Important Thing: Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is hosting a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Community Meeting online tomorrow, June 22. The virtual meeting will provide information and an opportunity to discuss station locations and the desired development along the Silver Line, which will stretch from Belmont to Matthews, and possibly into Union County. Watch and participate through chat on the CATS YouTube channel. Have questions to ask? Email them to

Don’t Forget:
