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Morning Minute: Thursday, July 15, 2021

News About Town: This past Monday the Board of Commissioners held their regular meeting at Town Hall. A public hearing was held for Zoning Application 2021-730/Williams Road subdivision. The hearing was continued until the August 9 board meeting. The former JC Penney building will have a new resident soon--the façade for At Home was approved with a few minor conditions. The Board also discussed future board's salary. An increase could not be approved, salary increases must be approved during the annual town budget process.

News Around Town: Candidates are throwing their hats in the ring for the 2021 Board of Commissioners election. John Higdon has filed for reelection as mayor. Six Matthews residents have declared candidacy for the Board: Dani Burnham, Gina Hoover, Heather Spicer Laws, Ken McCool, Mark Tofano, and John Urban. Filing closes Friday, July 16 at noon. Election day is Tuesday, November 2 of this year.

One Good Thing: On Friday, July 16, the Fire Department and Police Department will go toe to toe at Stumptown Park (120 S. Trade Street), and this time they’re out for blood. Support the department dearest to your heart by donating blood with One Blood during the annual “Battle of the Badges” blood drive event. Stop by the park between 2pm and 8pm to give, but make sure to let them know which department you support. The department with the most blood banked wins bragging rights! Walk-ins are welcome, but schedule an appointment for a smooth and easy process. Aside from feeling good from giving, you’ll also receive some swag, including a free first responders t-shirt, a $20 eGift card, and a wellness checkup.

Don’t Forget: CATS will host a Transit Oriented Design input session on July 22 in front of Matthews Town Hall, 232 Matthews Station St. The outdoor, family-friendly event will take place from 5:30 to 7 pm. The County and community partner StarMed Healthcare will provide walk-up vaccinations during the meeting. Visit Starmed.Care or call the MCPH at 980-314-9400 for more information.
