News About Town: The March 14 Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is available online. The meeting is in-person, and viewing is available via Zoom (link here, the meeting starts at 7 pm). A livestream of the meeting will also be available via the Town of Matthews YouTube Channel. To listen live, call toll-free 888-788-0099 and enter meeting ID 873 3815 3311. For more information, including the process for public comment, visit the town website.
Interesting items during the regular meeting include:
Several public hearings for rezoning items as well as two action items (approve or deny) for rezoning applicants;
Consideration of a recruitment and hiring bonus for the public works, police, and fire departments;
Consideration of a landscaping plan along Trade St beside the form Exxon station lot;
Consideration of a contract for the next town manager.
Peaches are in bloom—spring is on the way.
News Around Town: Friday, March 11, Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners Chairman George Dunlap presented the State of the County Address. Dunlap’s 30-minute speech touched on big issues from 2021, including COVID, affordable housing, the county’s Pre K program, and economic development. View the speech in full online.
One Fun Thing: It’s Pi Day! Multiply your Pi appreciation (despite the additional “e”) and enjoy a flaky-crusted baked good while admiring the mathematically essential constant value sometime today. While celebrating, singing a round of Happy Birthday to Albert Einstein is also appropriate on March 14.