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Barbara Taylor

Morning Minute: Friday, June 21, 2019

News About Town: Getting a jump start on campaign season, three incumbent candidates held their first meet and greet at Seaboard last night. The mayor and five commissioners were in attendance, as was the town manager. Candidates for Matthews Board of Commissioners don’t officially file to run until next month, so the full roster is yet to be known. Early voting begins Wednesday, October 16 and ends Friday, November 1. The general election is on Tuesday, November 5 from 6:30 am until 7:30 pm at your regular polling location.


News Around Town: NCDOT is hosting an open house/preconstruction meeting for the I-485 Express Lane project. This project will include the on/off ramps at Weddington Rd. and improvements to the John St. interchange. The express lanes will be tolled with cost depending on demand, existing lanes will not be toll lanes. Stop by anytime Thursday, June 27, from noon to 7 pm at the Endhaven Elementary School (6815 Endhaven Ln., Charlotte) to chat with NCDOT and Turnpike Authority representatives.

One Fun Thing: There’s one more chance to hear from Barbara Taylor, Director for the Matthews Heritage Museum, about the Tank Town exhibit. Barbara will be at Matthews Library presenting the history of the schools and churches in the community as well as some stories highlighting life in Tank Town. Saturday, June 22, 2 to 3 pm, Matthews Library.