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Bee City USA

Matthews Makers: Nectarri Honey Co.

Heidi Hanson and Gjergji Qarri are Matthews-based Nectarri Honey Company. The couple made Matthews their family home, fully embracing (and enhancing) the Town’s Bee City USA status.

Nectarri’s hives are never treated with chemicals, allowing the bees to work their magic. The result is naturally delicious honey, its flavors nuanced according to the seasons.

Beyond honey, Heidi and Qjergji have a full line of sustainability-minded wares, including beeswax candles and melts, beeswax food wraps, and honey-based soap. Nectarri honey-sweetened chocolate is the perfect hostess gift this holiday season.



Morning Minute: Monday, June 10, 2019

News About Town: As Matthews comes to terms with the imminent elimination of the Idlewild/51 roundabout, questions remain both about the short lifespan of the roundabout and the future of the gateway sign planned for that location. NCDOT designed the roundabout for a 10-year design period, at which time they assumed the roundabout would work with a widened 51. Now that the engineering is underway, NCDOT anticipates the car capacity will exceed that of the roundabout. Since 2017, Matthews and Mint Hill have been working collaboratively toward a gateway sign for the roundabout. The sign (design and construction) was estimated at $67,000 (with landscaping the total combined cost for both towns totaled close to $100,000) and has been approved by NCDOT for installation. Now, with the impending widening, the sign would only stand for six to seven years. At the May 28 council meeting, the Board instructed town engineers to redesign the area with a less expensive sign in a way that is more focused on landscaping.


News Around Town: Get out your binoculars to see Jupiter's four largest moons. While relatively easy to see throughout June, tonight is the night to really get a glimpse. That is, if the clouds can clear for the night. If not, NASA has your back. Download the Eyes on the Solar System app for an up-close look at Jupiter that feels like you're on the Juno spacecraft.

One Fun Thing: This Saturday, get a head start on your National Pollinator Week (June 17 – 23, 2019) celebrations at the Matthews Farmers' Market. The Matthews chapter of Bee City USA will be at the market with their honey bee observation hive. Apiculturists will be there, totally ready to share their knowledge and spread the pollinator love. June 1, 8 am-noon, Matthews Farmers' Market, 188 N Trade St.

Guest Editorial: Thank your pollinators this Thanksgiving

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This year, why not feature a bouquet of flowers as the Thanksgiving table centerpiece rather than a turkey, in honor of the hardworking pollinators that helped most of our foods grow and fruit? To us flowers represent sheer beauty, but to pollinators, they represent a feast of pollen and nectar.

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One in every three bites of food we eat is courtesy of insect pollination and that food contains major proportions of essential micronutrients like vitamins A & C, iron, zinc, folate, amino acids and antioxidants. Even some of the plants that cows eat (alfalfa and clover) to produce milk—from which we make cheese, butter and ice cream—and beef, depend on pollinators.

In addition to the European honey bee introduced to North America in 1622, pollinators include the bumble, orchard, squash and other bees, as well as moths, beetles, hummingbirds, butterflies, bats, and flies.

Insect pollinators travel from flower to flower during sunny days that are warm enough for flight, visiting as many as 1,000 flowers per day, gathering nectar and spreading pollen along the way. Flowers evolved nectar as pollinator bait. Drawn to the nectar, pollinators inadvertently do what most plants cannot do for themselves—move the pollen (the male part of the plant) to the plants’ female parts to make seeds. That’s why we have fruits and nuts!

There are about 3,600 species of native wild bees in the United States, but their numbers are declining due to pesticide exposure, habitat loss, poor nutrition and diseases. Indeed, the once-common rusty patched bumble bee was added to the Endangered Species List in 2017.

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Pollinators depend on flowers with nectar; without flowers many species starve. Moreover, without the pollinators, 90 percent of all species of wild plants and trees may eventually become extinct.  

According to the Xerces Society book, Attracting Native Pollinators, “In China’s Sichuan Province, one of the largest apple producing regions in the world, farmers perch on ladders in mountainside orchards to pollinate blossoms by hand. The farmers have adopted this practice because wild bees are now absent in their area, and honey beekeepers refuse to bring in their hives due to excessive pesticide use in the orchards.”

When we take care of the pollinators by planting the locally native plants they co-adapted with over millions of years, and by using insecticides, fungicides or herbicides only when there is no alternative, not only are we ensuring food supplies for man and animal, we are also encouraging beneficial insects that prey on true crop pests. All of the fragrant, colorful flowers aren’t so bad either.

So, as you scoot that cranberry sauce onto your bite of turkey, thank a bumble bee. And when you savor that pumpkin pie, thank a squash bee. If it’s served a la mode, thank a leafcutter bee for pollinating the dairy cow’s alfalfa. If you chase it with a cup of coffee, thank a tropical stingless bee or fly. You might even consider capping off the evening with a mead wine toast to our little striped friend, the honey bee.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Learn more about Bee City USA here. For more information about our local Bee City US program, contact Gretchen Reid. Check out our article about Martha Krauss, who helped bring Bee City USA to Matthews!