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Pet Paradise

Morning Minute: November 13, 2018

​News About Town: Last night Town Council voted on the ​Trade Street Cottage rezoning. The rezoning was approved for 12 homes on a 2.36 acre lot. After public comment where three residents spoke against the rezoning (no residents spoke for) the motion was made for approval by Kress Query and seconded by Barbara Dement. There was lengthy discussion by the Board  both for and against. The vote was tallied with Bailey, Dement, Query, and Urban for and Higdon, Melton, and Miller against.


News Around Town: Leapfrog, a consumer watchdog group for hospital safety rated Novant Matthews with a Grade A. The group assigns grades to more than 2,600 general acute-care hospitals twice yearly. Grades are based on 28 measurents of publicly available hospital safety data.

One Good Thing: Pet Paradise of Matthews is hosting their 10th Annual Pet Food Drive through December 31. ​ so far they’ve collected over 400 pounds of dog food to be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank, who will distribute to pet owners in need.