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matthews township parkway

Highway 51 Widening and Eminent Domain Workshop

Last night The Odom Firm held an eminent domain workshop for those impacted by the NCDOT Highway 51 Widening from 4-lanes to 6. Around 50 residents attended to learn about their rights as property owners and the process of eminent domain. 

Image via NCDOT

Image via NCDOT

David Murray presented the law firm's typical process and answered questions. Some residents were concerned about loons, a superstreet bulb-out designed to handle larger vehicle u-turns, impeding their driveways.  Others were concerned whether NCDOT appraisers would take the nuances of school districts into property value consideration. Three of the residents interviewed were worried about their family homes, properties which have been in their families for decades. 

Image via NCDOT

Image via NCDOT

NCDOT recently combined the Highway 51 widening construction phase with the East John Street widening construction. Both are set to begin in 2020.