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solid waste

Morning Minute: December 28, 2018

News About Town: Republic Services will not pick up trash on New Year’s Day and pick up will operate on a one-day delay. Yard waste pick up is behind schedule as well.


News Around Town:  If you’re getting to know the Town website, but have a tough time navigating and searching, Protect Matthews has a Google search set up for the site. With options for the type of document, exact search, or keyword search it makes finding documents on a great deal easier.

One Good Thing: The Arts and Science Council is holding a workshop to explain the application for the McColl Award, a $25,000 grant.  This grant is open to Mecklenburg County-based nonprofits and creative individuals and ASC staff will be on hand to answer questions. This workshop is Tuesday, January 8, 2019 from 5:30, until 7 p.m. in the Van Every Auditorium at the Mint Museum on Randolph (2730 Randolph Road, Charlotte).