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Morning Minute: October 30, 2018

News About Town: On Monday, October 29, 2018 16 year old Jatwan Cuffie shot 16 year old Bobby McKeithen in the 500 hall of Butler High School. A School Resource Officer was in the building at the time of the shooting and responded within a minute. A teacher found the shooter, who turned himself in and admitted to shooting McKeithen. Details are limited; a full investigation is underway.

Photo by Joanna Albanese Schimizzi

Photo by Joanna Albanese Schimizzi

News Around Town: As students, school staff, parents, and the Matthews community at large respond to this event, those affected have been offered ways to discuss and unpack the traumatic experience. Matthews United Methodist opened sanctuary doors for an hour of quiet meditation and youth-led song from 6:30 to 7:30 last night. The mood was quiet and reflective, the pews were lined with high schoolers. Other students and family gathered at Butler High School, bringing balloons for release at dusk and holding a candlelight vigil after dark. Speakers were set up for students to talk about their experience and to acknowledge the multitude of feelings.

More Support: While CMS counselors are on-hand for those affected, there are also several online resources for parents to use in assisting their children in dealing with violence and grief:

If you or your child would like to talk to a counselor over the phone or by text, Disaster Distress Hotline is available 24/7. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 for support and counseling; Spanish-speakers should text Hablanos to 66746.